Feeding the World,

One Crop at a Time !

Dairy Farming

Dairy farming presents a promising business opportunity with the potential for high returns on investment, multiple revenue streams, and positive contributions to food security and economic development. With proper management and market orientation, dairy farming can be a rewarding endeavor for farmers of all scales.

High Feed Conversion Efficiency:
Dairy cows are efficient converters of feed into milk. They can utilize various types of forages, grains, and by-products to produce nutritious milk. This efficiency translates to a favorable feed-to-milk conversion ratio, maximizing productivity while minimizing feed costs.

Versatile Diet:
Dairy cows have a broad diet, including grass, hay, silage, grains, and protein supplements. They can efficiently convert these feeds into milk, making them adaptable to various feeding regimes and reducing feed wastage.

Early Maturity and High Reproductive Rate:
Dairy cows reach maturity relatively early compared to other livestock. They can be bred at around 15-18 months of age and typically have a high reproductive rate, giving birth to a single calf annually.

Ease of Setup and Management:
Establishing a dairy farm requires relatively low capital investment compared to other agricultural enterprises. Basic infrastructure such as milking parlors, housing facilities, and feeding equipment can be set up with moderate investment.

High Yield Potential:
Dairy cows can produce significant quantities of milk throughout their lactation period, which typically lasts for several years. With proper management practices and genetic selection, cows can achieve high milk yields, providing a steady source of income for farmers.

Multiple Revenue Streams:
In addition to selling raw milk, dairy farms can diversify their revenue streams by producing value-added dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, butter, and ice cream. These products often command higher prices and can enhance profitability.

Nutrient-Rich Manure:
Dairy cow manure is a valuable organic fertilizer rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It can be utilized to improve soil fertility and enhance crop yields, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

Domestic and Export Market Opportunities:
The demand for dairy products is robust both domestically and internationally. Dairy farming offers the potential to tap into lucrative markets for milk and dairy products, providing farmers with opportunities for increased revenue and market expansion.

Employment and Economic Opportunities:
Dairy farming creates employment opportunities along the value chain, from farm workers to milk processors and distributors. It can also contribute to rural development by generating income for smallholder farmers and supporting local economies.

Piggery Farming

Pigs grow faster than any other animals. They have higher feed conversion efficiency. That means, they have a great feed to meat converting ratio. They can convert all types of inedible feeds, forages, certain grains by-product obtained from mills, damaged feeds, meat by-products, garbage etc. into valuable, nutritious and delicious meat.

Pigs can eat and consume almost all types of feed including grains, damaged food, forage, fruits, vegetables, garbage, sugarcane etc. Sometimes they even eat grasses and other green plants or roots.

Pigs become mature earlier than other animals. A sow can be bred for first time at their age of 8-9 months. They can farrow twice a year. And in each farrowing, they give birth of 8-12 piglets.

Setting up pig farming business is easy and it requires little capital/investment for building houses and buying equipment.

The ratio of total consumable meat and total body weight is higher in pigs. We can get around 60 to 80 percent consumable meat from a live pig.

Pig meat is also one of the most nutritious and tasty meat. It is higher in fat and energy and lower in water.

Pig manure is a great and widely used fertilizer. You can use this manure for both crop production and in pond for fish farming purpose.

Pig fat also has a huge demand in poultry feed, paints, soap and chemical industries. And this demand is continuously

Pigs grow faster and has a good ROI (returns of investment) ratio. They reach slaughter age earlier compared to another animal. A pig become suitable for slaughtering purpose at their age of 7-9 months. Within this period, they reach marketable weight of 70-100 kg.

Pig meat has a good domestic demand. We can also earn good income by exporting pig products like bacon, ham, lard, pork, sausages etc. to the foreign countries.

Pig farming business can be a great income opportunity for the small and landless farmers, unemployed educated or uneducated young people and for the rural women.

In a word, commercial pig farming can be a great business idea and income source for the people and it can contribute the
national income of our country highly

Goat Farming

The agricultural industry of which livestock farming or better still goat farming is a subset of is no doubt.
Among the leading industry in most countries of the world; it is the industry that produces food for the populace and raw materials for industries.

Because of the significant role the agriculture sector plays, the government of most countries ensures that they go all the way to subsidize seedlings, fertilizers, and farming implements and machinery for farmers and also encourage entrepreneurs to go into various kinds of farming including goat farming.

There are several business opportunities available in the agricultural industry and one good thing about
the industry is that there is a market for all the produce from the industry. Goat farming is of course a thriving and profitable business because of the usefulness of goat meat and other by-products from goats.

People eat goat meat, drink their milk, and use their fur and skin. With goat milk, cheese can be made, along with other dairy products. Some farmers use goats for weeding farmland. Other times, the goats are used to keep grasses and other plants from getting too tall. The diet of the domestic goat includes eating grass, leaves, shrubs, root vegetables, and other kinds of plants.

Goats come in different breeds with each breed having its own unique specifications and uses. Some goat breeds known as ‘dairy goats’ are raised mainly for the milk that they produce while some other breeds can grow very big and fat, hence, they are raised for meat purposes.

You must first decide on why you want to raise goats and then select a breed that is most suitable for that purpose. You could also raise both dairy goats and regular goats if you can afford to feed and care for them. The livestock production industry includes companies that mainly provide support services for
raising livestock.

Livestock is a term used to describe domestic animals, such as cattle, goats, hogs, horses, poultry and sheep, which have been domestically raised for meat, milk, wool and work. Other services in the livestock production industry include breeding services, pedigree record services and +vaccination et al.

Shrimp Farming

As part of the multi integrated farm shrimp cultivation would be one among it, harvesting the Indian White Prawn and Tiger Prawns using the BIOFLAC METHOD we plan to sell our products in the domestic and international markets through a proper sales channel envisaged, we also plan to make good use of technology in every step of our production.

The shrimp cultivation has been envisaged in a manner to make it a multi-use facility, producing our own feed & fodder along with in house manufactured fish food in the process bringing down a big burden of cost in sourcing feed and fodder externally.

The shrimp cultivation is being done on a land of around 5 hectares of land, out of the total land available will take off immediately on 5 hectares and rest will be planned in a phased manner over a period of time, the ultimate goal is to achieve an estimated target of around 1,80,000 kilos over two seasons.

Bio floc is a Profitable Method of Fish Farming.

It has become very popular all around the word as an alternative to open pond fish farming. It is a low-cost way in which toxic materials for the fish such as Ammonia, Nitrate, and Nitrite can be converted into feed. The principle of this technique is to recycle nutrients. Bio floc helps in cleaning the culture water of the fish while giving an additional source of feed. It is a sustainable and eco-friendly process.

Bio floc technology is an eco-friendly method of rearing fish. It is least harmful to the environment, the aquatic life and the consumers.

It reduced environmental impact as it uses the water waste into useful protein rich feed for the aquatic life thus reducing the generation of waste and its management cost.

It also improves the land and water use efficiency as it increases the density of fishes in the water body thus accommodating more fishes in the limited water space. Since there will be less space required to accommodate more fishes the use of land will also reduce thus further reducing the cost of production.

Limited or zero water exchange reduced the consumption of water which is also very tough to manage at water scarce places.

It increases the productivity of fishery products as it ensures higher survival rate, improves growth performance and feed conversion in the aquatic world.

It also ensures higher biosecurity
It helps in reduction of water pollution which is a big problem in the aquatic life. It also reduces the risk of rising pathogens and their spread

Most importantly it is cost effective and doesn’t require higher production cost but a minimal given it also increases the net profit.

It reduces the cost required to feed the aquatic animals by converting the wastes into protein rich feed.

Kadaknath Farming

Taste and quality, both are excellent and much better than any common chicken. And at the same time, you can easily earn millions of rupees by nurturing this species of chicken.

We are talking about Kadaknath Chicken/Kali Masi Chicken/Fowl having black flesh, an Indian breed of chicken having
black meat and skin. This is mostly found in tribal region of Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh. The most surprising thing for you is that, you can earn millions of rupees by just nurturing 1 thousand Kadaknath chicken.

What’s so special about Kadaknath

Kadaknath chicken is the only black meat chicken in India. Several researches have revealed that instead of white coloured chicken, the amount of cholesterol in black meat chicken is very less, and the level of amino acids is high. It is much tastier than native chicken. The flesh, blood, beak, eggs, tongue, and body, all are black in colour, and contains high amount of
protein. And fat content is very low. Because of this much nutritious value, it is beneficial for heart patients and diabetes patients. One more surprising fact is that, Indian Cricket team captain, Virat Kohli was also advised to consume this chicken.

Kadaknath Eggs

From where can you get Kadaknath ?
Kala Mali chicken is native to the tribal region of Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh. But now, this breed of chicken is found in many states of India, including Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra. Demand of this chicken is very good across the country. There are three species of this chicken including, Jade Black, Penfield and Golden Kadaknath.
The wings of Jade Black are completely black and the shape of Penfield resembles pencil. And In Golden Kadaknath, gold splashes are there on its wings.

Sheep Farming

Basic information of Sheep as a livestock in the country small ruminants play an important role in Indian economy and it provides livelihood to two-third of rural community. Sheep and goats are important species of livestock for India. They contribute greatly to the agrarian economy, especially in areas where
crop and dairy farming are not economical, and play an important role in the livelihood of a large proportion of small and marginal farmers and landless laborer’s.

Role as a livestock Sheep is mostly reared for wool and meat. Sheep skins and manure constitute important sources of earning, the latter particularly in southern India.

Milk from sheep is of limited importance and that too in very limited areas of Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan and Gujarat. Indian sheep are not regarded as dairy sheep.

Basically, Sheep are very much compatible for breeding because of their hardiness and adaptability to dry conditions; the north-western and southern peninsular regions of the country have a large concentration of sheep. In the tropics, they are non-seasonal breeders and can be made to lamb throughout the year.

The productivity of Indian sheep is lower than those of agriculturally more advanced countries. Yet considering their nutritional and physical environment, their productivity cannot be considered as inefficient.

The major reasons for low productivity are inadequate grazing resources, diseases causing high mortality, morbidity and consequent reduced production, and serious lack of organized effort for bringing genetic improvement.

Alove Vera Farming

Aloe Vera farming in India is gaining popularity as aloe vera production profit per acre is much higher than normal agriculture and it can be done using much less water and effort.
Aloe vera business can be done by selling the plant leaves or extracting and marketing the juice. Get complete details on cultivation process, aloe vera production per acre, profit and marketing in India.

Aloe Vera Farming !

Aloe Vera or Ghrit Kumari (Aloe means “Shining bitter substance”) is a succulent plant with great commercial importance and health potentials. Botanically it is known as Aloe barbadense miller which belongs to family Asphodelus or Liliaceae. It is a xerophytic plant therefore mainly grown in dry areas of the world. Aloe Vera plant is also known as the “plant of

Aloe Vera is a perennial shrub they are mainly cultivated in tropical or subtropical regions across the globe where weather doesn’t have chilling condition. Its commercial cultivation is mainly followed in Aruba, Haiti, India, South Africa, Unite States of America and Venezuela. In India, it is grown in Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.

Aloe Vera Leaf

The leaves are triangular, fleshy with serrated edges. Each leaf has three layers: The first layer is inner clear gel layer which consists of 99% water and rest 1 % substance is composed of amino acids, lipids, sterols, vitamins and galactomannans. The gel is protected by a film of a substance known as aloe. Aloe is composed resins and aloins. It contains high amount of mucilage, formed by glucuronic and glucuronic acids, linked to sugars such as glucose, galactose and arabinose. Other polysaccharides which are present, contain high number of uric acids, fructose and other
hydrolysable sugars.
The gel also has some phenolic components with high antioxidant property, generally called chromes
and anthraquinones.

Hatchery Farming

As per customers’ specifications. However, the Bureau of Indian Standards has laid down specifications for basic requirements for day-old chicks (layer/broiler) under IS 9800:1981.

Quantity: 10Lakhs Day old chicks (per annum)


India is a densely populated country having predominantly agricultural economy. Almost every part of our country is suitable for poultry farming. During the past few years’ poultry industry have gained enormous potential particularly in and around major cities and towns.
The Government of India through State Directorates of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services have been giving thrust on and incentives for the development of poultry industry. Development of poultry industries may further be accelerated, if improved varieties of layers/broilers are made available to the
poultry farmers which could ensure fast growth, maximum feed to meat/egg conversion and low mortality among the poultry birds.

Therefore, it is essential that hatcheries are set up in different areas having potential on decentralised basis, so that poultry farmers may get high yielding varieties of chick which in turn may give good returns to the farmers. This will not only reduce the pressure of unemployment in rural and sub-urban
areas but also help in increasing per capita consumption of poultry meat and eggs and thus strengthen the economy of our country. In the modern nomenclature of poultry industry, the term hatchery covers the sector which is engaged in production and supply of one-day old chicks by artificial incubation.

A hatchery can be a part of a breeding farm or it can be a franchiser or sub-franchiser for producing parent and day–old chicks of broilers or layers. The term hatchery can be extended to an organization which does not maintain any breed stock (mating stocks) but only procures hatching eggs for producing (supplying) day old chicks.

The organizations producing day old chicks only for replenishing their 13 75 own requirements of birds are not covered under the term hatchery.

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